Hello, I am Darwin Bedford, aka:
Atheist Messiah,
Supreme Antitheist,
Ambassador of Reason,
Destroyer of Faith, and
Spiritual Reality Therapist
until religion is denormalized.
Below is a list of my websites for the purpose of advancing towards a post-theistic paradigm.
Please, I don't recieve enough email, so send your comments to me at: darwin@atheists.net or use this
Feedback Form
if you don't want to reveal your email address. And when you do, please mention the title of the website you visited or its URL because I only have the one email address for all my sites.
The Atheist Messiah goes killing Jesus at the Vancouver fireworks display by handing out his campaign forms and nobody cares except the Vancouver Police.
Many people, especially the young, are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with
established religions. The Vancouver Sun recently reported that 31% of Greater Vancouver
residents have no religion and that many of these are atheists. It seems that more and
more of us are becoming aware of the perils of people living the fantasy that a mythical
god is watching over us as some kind of guardian -- and are speaking out about it! If
recent popular music reflects what people are currently thinking, as has been suggested,
then we are undergoing remarkable change in our understanding of religious phenomenon. It appears that more of us are realizing that religion is the
biggest, most destructive, most pervasive lie ever told. Judging from the increased
amount of communication that is resulting from use of the Internet, we are heading for a
sudden paradigm shift with respect to religion in general. We look forward to a time when
people will regard religion as an unfortunate aberrational part of their cultural
We are encouraged by the number of people we hear from who
are pleased to have discovered that we exist, and the number of people we learn about who
have left religion behind them (or at least are in the process of recovering from it). It
is apparent that the Internet is the perfect infrastructure for assisting in this
transformation. In the new paradigm the word 'religion' will bring connotations of past
cultures and will not represent any current belief system. To bring this about, we must
constantly question what appears to be true. We must demand that extraordinary claims
require extraordinary proof.
The task of an atheist society is to point relentlessly to the absurdity of
religious dogma. Yes, this is an invitation for fellow atheists to come out of the closet.
Until recently it seems most atheists have had a ho-hum attitude towards religion. They
use the lazy excuse: "Why bother?". Lets get on with placing religion into
history. The number of non-religious people is growing but has not yet reached critical
mass. Our goal is to push theists into a minority and when they are, there will be real
change. Join us! Call us! Write us! Stimulate your conscience! Let's get at it!