Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 23:11:32 -0800
To: Sam
From: Darwin Bedford <>
Subject: Re: Ok let's debate!

The people who say that we kick Him out of our schools, our homes and our lives but when disaster comes we just expect Him to show up and save every one are people who believe that God exist in the first place.  People that don't believe that God exist would never expect him to do anything when disaster comes.

Also, people that believe that there is a God never acknowledge Him for causing the disasters.  For instance, you never hear a football player say "I know that God made me drop the ball when I could have scored the winning touchdown because He must have wanted the other team would win."

Darwin Bedford

At 09:09 AM 2/9/02 -0700, you wrote:
 I dont know who you are or what right you think you have of putting
this site on the web, but its sick. I think its disgusting, You are
completly and 100% WRONG. And about the Sep. thing. Someone siad that we
kick Him out of our schools, our homes and our lives but when disaster
comes we just ecpect Him to show up and save every one? I dont think so.
Just think about that for a bit. If you want to continu to debat email
me back, or I'll assume you dont have anything to say back.