Date and Time: Friday, November 12, 2004, 15:20 PST
Host address: []
I came across your website by total mistake it was a pop up! and i
was really disgusted by you and what by what you have to say. if you don't
respect god,nor jesus,it's fine! you are free, but at least show a little
respect for those who do. what i also want to tell you is, it's not god who is
responsible for starvation,floods,hurricanes,SEPTEMBER 11 and what have you,
what does he have to do with it? it's a silly way to think! it's really stupid!
well, i hope you'll grow up one day... and use your brains for a
better purpose than fighting for a lost cause. if god is nonesense, and
it's a fact,why do you even bother?! right?