X-Envelope-To: darwin@atheists.net
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 Originating web page = http://www.atheists.net/index.html
From: Alexandro_Orellana_24@hotmail.com
Reply-To: Alexandro_Orellana_24@hotmail.com
To: darwin@atheists.net
Subject: [WEB-20030411.8075c4] Message to Darwin
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003, 19:45:31 -0800

Date and Time: Friday, April 11, 2003, 19:45 PST
Host address: []
Source URL:    http://www.atheists.net/index.html

  Alexandro Orellana


  Hello.I have come across your site and find it rather interesting and offensive (although it is a site for supporting atheism,go figure).I am a Chrisitan,but I would label myself an open-minded Christian.I respect all religions and if I do not agree w
ith an opinion or thought,I live with it knowing I cannot change people to be someone they do not want to be.I respect you and your religion,I just have a problem with your harsh judgement towards the wanted dead or alive poster of God.I knoiw you belie
ve God to be a figment of imagination (or whichever way you may interpret it),but I believe in God.I do understand the world began with a big bang,not a man (or whatever God may be).I just dont agree with your opinion on 9/11 being Gods fault.I know the
se monsters who killed innocent people did it because of their belief in their God and their follower,Usama Bin Laden.We cannot accuse God of this,I know the Bible says he is the almighty powerful and can make things happen.God is in the hearts of every
one,just not evil people.The people who killed the 3,048 innocents do not worship a God;they are a disgrace to their God.They didnt do it for Allah,they did it for the devil.Their poor judgement led them to their fate and the destruction of those towers
.I know you or other Atheists may find ways to prove Gods faults,but do not accuse of Him of this.It is just my view,maybe other Christians think otherwise.Thank you for taking the time to read this.