Date and Time: Saturday, January 24, 2004, 13:20 PST
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I think its pretty obsured that all the problems in this world are
blamed on the creator of it. Things in life happen for a reason. Why? We don't
know. That is why he is God and we are not. I was once a atheist, but you know
what? I woke up from the life of hating someone who really has given us the
choice of free will. I understand that there is a lot to be angry for, but
Christ died for even those that blame him for something he is totally innocent
of. Infact we should all be dead, we don't deserve half of what we have. I pray
that one day you will wake up just like Saul did to realize how gracious God is
and I hope it isn't too late. For there was once a man who asked that God would
return his cancer if it would bring him closer to the lord. And that cancer came
back and he died knowing God, not viewing him as the world wants him to be
viewed. Human nature is to make ourselves happy no matter if it hurts someone
else. Of course we don't want to do what someone else says, we want to be free.
I myself struggle with that. But it doesn't deny the fact that God loves us
enough to come down here and be humiliated and he did it knowing that people
would still deny his existence I pray for the unbelief embedded in your heart,
and you know what... I Love you all regardless of what you say about Christ or
if you hate me, for he loved those that killed him.