Date and Time: Monday, September 27, 2004, 20:47 PST
Host address: []
Elizabeth McCullough
I found your site because my father-in-law
has recently begun calling me an 'atheist'. I was curious as to what the true
atheist population in America was up to. I found your site to be charming and
rather unique but must point out something. Wouldn't it be more appropriate from
a nonbelievers stand point to say "What God?" instead of "Fuck God"?
Just from a philisophical stand point I really
must agree that the world would be vastly better off without a "God", it seems
that every insecure nitwit in the world prescribes to some "God" or another and
then proceeds to twist whatever they presume their "God" has said to feed their
twisted needs and egos. Organized religion is the one TRUE evil of our times.
Keep up the good work. If you could transform all the radical Muslims,
Christians, Hindu's, ect in the world to atheisism we might actually end
up with a world worth living in. :o))
Elizabeth McCullough