Hi Kenneth,
I don't have T-shirts in stock and my T-shirt place went out-of-business. You are welcome to download the design(s) and take them somewhere to have a shirt made. I'll be inquiring about what is available on-line for having shirts made.
Darwin Bedford
At , you wrote:
Date and Time: Friday, September 13, 2002, 05:00 PST
Source URL: http://www.atheists.net/
Kenneth B*****
Greetings, Mr. Bedford. I was inquiring about purchasing one of your classy "Trash Jesus" t-shirt. I was hoping that you'd also consider making a shirt from the "Take You Cross And..." logo up above, I'd definitely buy one. I'll be attending the Godle
ss Americans March in Washington, DC on Nov. 2nd, it would be great to see your shirt gracing our nation's capitol!