Hello Darwin,
I understand your "boot fuçk" point. I am the same
way. Here is a fun game i made for you to try on god fearing
If they are a girl tell them to picture jesus fuçking them.
And i am sure that for at lest a moment they will picture it.
So then you start to say things like. Did you just picture it?
Oh, you did, you did. Whoops! i think you just pictured jesus
you again. I tried it once on some jehova witnesses who came to my
house. THey left petrafied and shaking and have never returned.
Oh yeah, if it's a male you can say fuçking mary. REmember to
enfisize that according to them they have sined and are going to hell.
Ha, Ha, Ha!
Ok enough fun. Why can't god exist? I have com to this
conclusion through many ways. Historically, And Scientifcally. I my
self am a Physics student. I, unlike most anti-god people, don't use the
self contradiconary bible to prove that god doesn't exsist. I dont Know
where to start. I dont know how to make it simpler. I guess i will
tell you in the order inn which i was enlightend.
Attack on the soul
As you know i am in to science. What you
don't know is that i am a Physics nut. I have a question for god
lovers. First i need to explain a few thing to you.
Chronogenic Suspention. You may or may not of heard of this but i'll
explain it in some detail. Chronogenic suspension is often referd to as
freezing the body. This is when All the liquids are removed from ones body
and his or her solid remains' are frozen. Like the movie ENcino man, only
that that movie is scince fiction and what i am explaining is since fact.
Although what happens in that movie is possible. I is beyond a rational
cance of actually happining accadently in nature. While the body is
"frozen" All the cells and tissue remain intact. In fact You can
take cells from anywhere in the body and put them in a living human and they
will be perfect. that is, the cells will reproduce as if they hadnt been frozen
for a considerabel amount of time. Then later on the frozen body can
be brought back to life. This all must be done to a living human.
THis doesnt mean you can bring people back from the dead. This means
if you kill someone by freezing there solid body you can bring them back.
Once some one dies the bone marrow and cells immediatly begin to
so, here are the facts. You can kill a person (by
chronogenic suspention) and you can bring them back to life many years
I know this seems complicated and unclear so i will anticipate
But i have a question for you to ponder. What happens to the soul of
this human while he is in chronogenic suspention?
I know the answer. But i wont tell you it yet.
Here are the possibilities.
1. The soul or whoever is in charge of the soul knows that
body will be brought back to life eventually
so it never leves
the body.
2. The soul leaves the bodie, goes to heaven or hell and then
the body is brought back to life the soul
must leave it's
supernatural world and rejoin the
Niether seem reasonable. But i'd like you to think about it for your
Write me with quetions. i will give you more on "why god can't exist
next time"
I would like a large t-shirt.