Date and Time: Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 14:37 PST
Host address: []
Hey there,
My brother showed me this site through a link and reading some of
your mail (the only word i can think of is abuse) that you have recieved I think
it is probs best that I have my say also. I decided a long time ago that
religion definitely wasn't for me, as it seems that religion is an active hater
of women but I would not aim my hosility at peoples beliefs. It is comforting
for a lot of people to believe that loved ones have moved on to a "better place"
and people don't like to have this safety blanket removed... it was after all
created to keep people in order and somewhat sane against the pointlessness of a
lot of things. What needs to be sorted out however is religious texts,
especially the Bible. The Bible is the most foul book i have ever had the
misfortune of trying to read (and i am an avid reader). The Bible is full of
prejudice, it's racist and sexist and generally promotes an active hatred of
difference "Love your neighbour.... (unless he's a she, or another rac!
e, or homosexual, or another religion)." Finally, and for all
arguements against mine on the Bible i will leave you with this website:
-And the moral of the story... you can't be a feminist and a
Christian. :) and i know which one i'd pick.
Thanx for your time.