I found your views very ammusing eventhough they do have some minor
philosophical flaws. I would probably apprecieate your site(s) a liltle
more if they were directed at intellegent able mined individuals rather than
people who are easily swayed without thinking. You do seem like a rather
intellegent man who has simply been educated beyond their intellegence (I don't
know if I need to break this down and define the words for you :)) I do think
you are rahter interesting and would like to discuss some of this with you
further. I guess I should tell you, in case you have not already guessed,
that I personally believe quite the opposite of you. I think however that
you will find that I am a little different than most of the Christians you have
spoken too. I figure that we can start with a simple question to see
exactly what line of thinking you use: Is there such a thing as cold?