I came upon Mr. Bedfords site quite by accident as
I've come to see, most everyone else did also. Very
clever. How can one not stop and read what Mr. Bradford has to say.
The contents are shocking as are his wonderful illustrations. They're
meant to. Would we stop and read it if it only said...."I have an opinion
I'd like to share." Of course not. Now saying, "Fuçk you God", will
make one and all sit up and pay attention whether we're for or against.
Well done, Mr. Bradford.
So, here I am responding, something I have never
done before. (again I must say, well done Darwin) Am I going to argue?
No. Am I going to attack his beliefs? No. Will I try to search
my mind and my bible for ways to refute what he has said? No.
Why? My heading says it all......Pointless!
Mr. Bradford relishes a good arguement, a hot
debate. If all else fails and there's no rebuttal for something someone
has written, let's just malign their character and call them blithering idiots
for believing what they do. Hmmm. My aplogizes Darwin. I was
precariously close to that edge myself.
What I will state are facts as they are to
me. No more.....no less.
Is there hard, tangible, wrap your hands around
proof that God exists? Nope....but is there any that He doesn't??
Is there hard scientific proof that He created the
Heavens and the Earth? None.....but is there proof beyond theory's, that
He didn't?
Is there proof that the bible was written by men
inspired of God and not just a bunch of shepherds bored around the fire on a
saturday night? No.....but can anyone prove otherwise?
So you see.....both sides will always war on these
issues. Could he have stopped the horrible events on September 11th?
Is He responsible for all the bad in this world? Sounds like a good
scapgoat to me personally. People from the side of Christianity have tried
giving Mr. Bradford the freedom of choice bit.....taking him all the way back to
the fall of Adam and Eve but you see, this is an effort in fultility when the
Bible to Mr. Bradford is nothing more than pages stuck inbetween two
covers. Darwin probably knows the bible backwards and forwards as well as
any professing Christian so although I'm not telling anyone not to write and let
him know your opinions, just don't be surprised or shocked at how he
After all that......do I believe in God? Of
course, I'm sure you could tell. Does that make me one of the weak minded
idiots seeking solace in a myth....nothing more to go on than words written down
by who knows?
Absolutely!!!!!! But you know
what?.....I'm one of the happiest most content weak minded idiots I know!
Good enough for me.
Have a wonderful Day.