Hey Darwin
If you believe in random chance and in Darwin's theory of absoulute shit...
if you can answer anyone of these questions then I will believe in nothing as
you do.
How can amino acids form a simple protein molecule just left up to time,
chance and random disorder? It's mathmatically impossible. That's
like trying to find a red grain of sand in a desert blindfolded.
How do you explain the law of thermodynamics ENTROPY
If evil exsits God exsits. If evil didn't then God wouldn't
Do you have objective moral value? If so how do you explain that? Or
is it just socialogical/biological bullshit.
The odds that everything you see came by chance... 1 out of 10 billion to
the 124 power Donald Page (cosmologist) absoulutly insane if you think we are
here by chance.
Explain the HUGE GAPS in the fossil record. Oh wait if you think we
are great apes I think you are a fool. Oh yeah what about nebraska man,
peking man, hahaha please.
If evolution were true then we would be all clones of each other. We
are not. We are so different down to the cellular level. As well as
the fact evolution is a continuous process right? How then can it stop and
start again? Don't even tell me you think mutation actually creates or
benefits the organism either dumbass.
Explain the DNA molecule to me. Oh wait that's just all chance
More than ever before science is prooving the exsistance of God rather than
the moronic atheistic view of oblivion and no hope of anything.
Here is a joke... two scientists said to God we can make man just like you
did... so they took sand and put it into their machines, then God said "wait,
get your own sand."
I will try to explain the trinity to you but to grasp it you have to first
accept you aren't just worm food and you do have an eternal soul.
I'm sure you're quite logical and are seeking the truth. Or maybe
you're just a smartass like most athesists I've talked to. Anyway check
out these sites if you truely want to find answers...