Hello, I am a 19 year old non-religious theist that
came from a liberal xian background. I live in
Canada(British Columbia, actually. Hiya neighbour).
No, I'm not going to drool over your site, or damn you
to hell, so this probly won't appear on your page
publically(which of course is an attempt to get it
there. Or is it? *G*). Anyways, I thought I'd give you
some background information so you can take whatever I
say with that grain of salt.
Before most things, I believe in tolerance. Your site
clearly does not promote tolerance, and it posits that
atheism is a "true" position, something I thought you
would have found despicable after X number of
christians have said it. You also imbue more into
atheism than what is there "Atheism has taken over as
the world's intellectual authority." Atheism is, as
I'm sure you know, (a) a lack of belief in
god(s)(deities), or (b) the belief in the
non-existence of god(s)(deities). That is all.
Anything else you attribute to atheism will be imbued
and a generalization. "Atheists, (and free thinkers,
agnostics and humanists) are people whose fundamental
way of being, is to ask questions and to doubt
everything." -- This is not exclusively atheist.
Otherwise we'd still only have on sect of
Christianity, indeed, only one religion. You are
assuming characteristics into atheism that aren't
necessarily there, just to support your position.
Don't worry, this isn't unique. It happens in many
different world views. "Church dogma and the influence
of priests that dictate procreation are more to be
feared than just irrational beliefs in gods." If this
is your only argument, it is indeed a weak one. It is
no basis to call for the destruction of all religion.
Indeed, your use of words on the page reveal, or
imply, that you have nothing but contempt for religion
or religious people, which is *itself* a dangerous
attitude. Your chain of "Why religion causes all the
bad things in the world" is faulty and precarious.
Bertrand Russell was naive in his perception, and I
would suggest, respectfully, that you may be as well.
I have a simpler and more substantial chain for you.
Intolerance(within the laws of reciprocity), which
included anti-religionism, created friction(amongst
ppl and in society). Friction creates Hate. Hate
creates violence.
I am at school right now, but I will save your email
addy and website addy so I can send you an anology I
wrote concerning the destruction of analogy. I think
it illustrates my views quite well. It will be called
analogy.doc - if you suspect it because of viruses(I
saw the victoria.exe skam), I will be disappointed,
but I will understand.
I sincerely hope that you will reply, and that we can
discuss in this matter in clear and rational terms. I
think this is an important issue in our world's
future, and I'm deeply concerned about it.