From: "Keelin J*****" 
To: <>
Subject: Hello
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 17:07:48 -0600

Hi There,
When I was searching for a web page about canadian duty rates I found your little corner about Religion. I'm confused- you basically think that religion is B.S and you think that it shoulnd' be implied anywhere and you encourage people to do all those things but isn't that the same as starting your own religion against religion? You don't want other people to leave panflets about God on your car yet you reserve the right to put anit-religous material on theirs. A belief in Jesus Christ has pulled people through their lives for generations. Whether it is real or not you don't have the right to take that away from them. You certaintly don't have the right to write such horrible things about religion and Christianity when you can't possibly prove it all wrong. The day you can denounce every event in Biblical history, proclaim- with proof- that God does not exist, factually claim that you are smarter than any priest or prophet in the world who ever wrote in that book, the day you can do all that maybe people like me will listen. I for one know that you are fighting a battle that you cannot possibly win. A battle with severe consequences if you're wrong. Why take the chance in eternal damnation. If the Bible is true, wouldn't you rather be on the winning side? Is the earth round? Yes? How do you know, you've never flown out of it's atmosphere to view it with your own eyes... it's faith. You believe it's true because some scientist or astronaut told you. Well, Jesus told you God is true. Will you listen? People that are Christians witness to those around them to help them and to show them truth and offer them a relationship with God. You are trying to witness no-God them and pull them away from something into... what is you are trying to give them? Eternal life? No. Sorry- you're campaign has no point to me...
I hope you figure things out...