From: k*en*ud@ca.***.com
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 12:43:32 -0600
Subject: Jesus is alive....

In response to what I read, I must say that you are going to hurt a lot of
people  with your thoughts and ideas. Much like many of the cult leaders
that we see and hear of in the news. You will lead people into death,
destruction, heel and the grave. The bible teaches that we are to look and
pray to God for guidance and forgiveness. God is a God of mercy,
forgiveness and salvation. Your thoughts on the return of Christ need to be
founded. If youw were to read in the bible it would tell you that he will
come back but no one knows when. Only the father knows. Don't be putting
down religions even thought there are some that are cults, and some that
lead people away from what the bible teaches. I don't mean to offent you
with my views and if I have I apologise but as you yourself know, the truth
needs to be told and the truth shall set you free.