From: "ivbhv sbgbssdb" <brunette_****>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 16:53:21 PST

hello, I just got trapped to your site about atheistism. I wnat to let you
know that I'm praying for you and that you'll come to realise Christ as your
saviour and Lord, and that he might have mercy on you when you die. But I'm
hoping you'll take the time to listen to me, so that you won't be making
uneducated claims about my God.

First of all, God does things in his own time. In the Holy Book it says that
Jesus Christ would return on an unknownday and an unknown hgour. It didn't
say he's be back anytime soon. I mean, think about it. Wouldn't it be more
unsuspecting if he came back a couple thousand years later (or maybe even
more!) than if he came back sooner??? Of course! I just thought I'd let you

Second of all, I just thought I'd tell you it's kinda straneg that you are
so against God, because according to what you were saying God doesn't even
exist. So hwo can you feel so strongly about something you don't yourself
even believe in. It doesn't really make any sense to me.

Last thing I wnat to say is that God can still forgive you. That's why Jesus
died. So that when WE died we wouldn't have to go to hell. Jessu took the
blame for all our sins, all we have to do is ask him to forgive us. If I
were you right now, I'd pray very hard and ask God to forgive me for what
I'd done. I hgope you make the same choice, because even if you think
relgiion isn't much fun whiel you're hear on earth, think about how you're
going to be spending eternity: in heaven or hell.