Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 22:14:29 -0500 (EST)
From: T. K****
Subject: Of course you realize

Mr. Bedford.

Speaking as an atheist myself, I am truley disgusted with your approach to
the matter.

For starters, note how I do not capitalize atheist.

Your page at is a travesty of
intelligent thought, and is offensive to anyone who belives in freedom of

I can see that you are not trying to spread hate ("this is love
literature"), but your methods are simply inane.  You assume that you are
correct, you even style yourself the Atheist Messiah.  In capitals.

A wise man once said that Atheisim is simply the converse of Godism.
Instead of a powerful belief in something, the atheist has a powerful denial
of something.  Atheism is a valid religion.  You sir, have just shot
yourself in the foot with a .45 and then placed it firmly in your mouth.

Personally, I advise a little world called Tolerance.  Even if every
religion known to man is false, what harm does it do?  Answer?  None.  Lots
of people can't sleep in on sundays.  Besides, we'll be laughing all the way
to the bank if we're right, hey?

Finally, I would remind you of Blaise Pascal's work on probability and
religion.  It's a fairly famous theory, the details of which I leave as an
exercise to the student.

Enjoying life & not worrying about other people's thoughts,
T. K****