From: "Carl B****" 
To: <>
Subject: Balance..
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 13:12:28 -0800

Relax, everyone!
Without light there is no dark.
Without good, there is no evil.
Without one extreme, there is no other..
Bla bla bla untill the cows come home..
Simply put, when one compares anything, take the good/evil scenario, if there was no good, sure, one states 'Its Bad"... well, after time (human & nature's common denominator) the comparison on the good - bad scale has no comparison anymore, therefore 'Bad' holds its own as both extremes - you NEED one in order to have the other - in all cases of existance. Enter any two variables on this omni-applicable scale and go from there.
So, in the meantime, we are ALL on the same spinning ball - no matter how, why or where we came from or got here, TODAY counts more than everything, because we ALL have to figure out that Humans are the same across the board.  Physically, Mentally, Metaphysically, etc...
Like a passing torch, COMPASSION is the key.  The term 'HUMAN RACE' implies win or lose or tie.
I think there was a typing error way back when - It was originally 'HUMAN PACE' - but someone messed everything up by putting a penis on the letter 'P' thus the 'R'.
PACE implies BALANCE. BALANCE implies understanding and adhering to a CENTRE - Understanding and adhering to a centre implies knowing where one is Physically, Mentally, Metaphysically, etc... at any given time.  So, if your interest to read this far allowed you to do so, stop the fighting and BE MORE COMPASSIONATE with EVERYONE including your self (you, the reader).
Please note, there is no 'extreme' taken here for or against anyone's belief.  I have personally experienced a 'near-death' situation, and somehow found since, this ride called 'LIFE' is an active phenomenon.  I feel that I've been here before and probably be here again.  As a matter of fact, it is almost as though the refernce to 'being here again' has already happened - It must have something to do with the aforementioned omni-applicable scale - without a beginning, there is no end.. without an end, there is no beginning!
Karma - try this, folks: Go do a bad deed and see how the chain of events follow.  Now, go do a good deed and observe the following chain of events.  this is most noticable on the road while driving... Drive aggressively (BE SAFE THOUGH) - watch how vehicles around you begin the nasty cycle of 'prick-guy' attitude to you and others around.    NOW, after you have driven further, do a good gesture to fellow motorists, like smile with a head nod - allow someone to pass or get into the lane in front of you, thank someone for letting you in.  This will demonstrate a form of instant compassion!
Bottom line, relax everyone, take care of anyone else's kid like you'd want your own taken care of - and remember, we are all someone's kid.  :)