Dearest Sir;
I am amazed that I found your web site considering
I was looking for Canadian Govt. home page. I read what u have to say and I need
to know one thing. Where is your soul going when you die? If you say we have no
soul, then, you are mistaken and I will pray for you. Please be
advised that this kind of propaganda is what small minded men like Jessie
Ventura , would say about spiritual issues and if you put yourself on his level
of thinking then you are in for a big surprise. Jesus Christ was witnessed by
500 or more going up into the clouds as well as other biblical souls. So with
science as we know it now, tells us that u will burn up going through our
atmosphere, then tell me where did these men go?
Think about that and get on your knees humble
before the creator and beg it's forgiveness for putting up such a home