wearing a t-shirt that says If-Jesus-returns-kill-Him-again.com

Hello, I am Darwin Bedford, aka:
Atheist Messiah,
Supreme Antitheist,
Ambassador of Reason,
Destroyer of Faith, and
Spiritual Reality Therapist
until religion is denormalized.

Below is a list of my websites for the purpose of advancing towards a post-theistic paradigm.

Please, I don't recieve enough email, so send your comments to me at: darwin@atheists.net
or use this Feedback Form  if you don't want to reveal your email address. And when you do, please mention the title of the website you visited or its URL because I only have the one email address for all my sites.

Social Media:

Ambassador Of Reason on Instagram

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Darwin Bedford (@ambassadorofreason)

Atheist Messiah on YouTube:

The Atheist Messiah goes killing Jesus at the Vancouver fireworks display by handing out his campaign forms and nobody cares except the Vancouver Police.

Darwin Bedford on Facebook:

follow Darwin Bedford on Facebook

Darwin Bedford on Twitter:
Follow DarwinBedford on Twitter

Please send your comments to me at: darwin@atheists.net

Product Advertisements:

Apparel for Atheists

People want my shirts, so I oblige, but I prefer that they create their own shirts.

Religion endangers us all
Religion endangers us all by TheAtheistMessiah.
Can't find the shirt you want, then try here.
Still can't find the shirt you want, then
make your own t-shirt cheap on Zazzle.

Darwin Bedford,

Atheist Messiah,
Supreme Antitheist,
Ambassador of Reason,
Destroyer of Faith,
Spiritual Reality Therapist

until the denormalization of religion is irreversible

Webster's definitions:
messiah — any leader and liberator of any oppressed people.
oppress — to treat with unjust harshness || to cause to feel mentally or spiritually burdened. 

PRESS RELEASE  — Darwin Bedford Proclaims To Be Atheist Messiah

Introducing Spiritual Reality Therapy  — providing therapy for those who believe

The Simplicity of Existence  — An ontological explanation which concludes that Evolution is a universal physical law

Jesus is a No-Show   — this post had 130+ domain names pointing at it for more than two months and was featured on the CBC's News Day Special  

The Pope is Humpty Dumpty   — this post received a third of a million visits and generated hundreds of responses which you can view  

Letter of Apology From Christendom   — why not?--since today's Christians are wanting to separate themselves from the triumphalism of pre-modern Christianity  

Convergence of Transference Sustains the God Singularity  — a discussion of what keeps God in place in this age of reason  

Atheism: The New Intellectual Authority   — My definition of atheism and then some 

I am a Murderer  — How I kill people (this is more of a humanism post rather than an atheism post)

Eternity is Too Long   — Reality therapy for those wanting eternal life

Don't let that police officer tell a lie in traffic court--I didn't.   — Darwin Bedford succeeds in negating God in a courtroom  

Disclaimer  — I am as credible as a politician.

Here's Proof  —  that the Bible is no model for modern day living.
My friend Roedy Green's excellent religion page 

Adult picture of me naked  — has a blur spot now.  It appears that nudity is a controversial issue in its own right and that we don't only cover our privates due to religious teachings of the past or out of fear of reprisal from gods.

Published articles: (Published in The Canadian Atheist Quarterly Newsletter)
Atheism And The Environment   — How they are related. 
Toward A New Paradigm Of Religion  — Is the Internet the perfect infrastructure for transformation?
Caught Like Monkeys  — Don't be too stupid to let go!

Feedback Page   — email that I feel obligated to share  last updated: August 12, 2000

More Feedback   — collection of recent e-mail  updated regularly

[Religion: A Path to Hell-on-Earth]

Note from the author …

When I started to post onto the internet back in 1996, things were different then …

Not too many atheists were outed on the internet.

I thought religious differences were the route cause of wars. Now I realize that all struggles and warfare are about the people who “have” competing for control over trade routes and commerce (and tariffs and taxes) to protect what they have, and to gain power.

I started posting because I was concerned about the effect that religion had on world hunger. This image (left) was created in 1999 with a link to The Hunger Project and if you click on the image today it will take you to their site.

I was also concerned about overpopulation having a devastating effect on climate change.

Now, non-religious people probably out number religious people.

Climate change (or global warming) has taken over as the biggest threat to life on Earth as we know it. It seems that we sapiens are to Earth as are maggots devouring an elephant.

As religion recedes, the message against it must change to be relevant to the times. So, I registered more domain names and posted more websites with slightly different angles of attacking religion. “Atheists.net” was my first website, you’ll find links to my other websites within the left column of this page.

Religion is waning rapidly, but it is still hindering progress towards a better world for all. So, I will keep on posting and revealing knowledge that others don’t seem to realize.

[Telling God "Fuçk you"]

Take your cross and ...

God wanted-poster by Darwin Bedford

Favourite Quotes:  

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
- Stephen Roberts

ALL GODS ARE MAKE-BELIEVE, however as per Arthur Schopenhauer ...  "All truth passes through three stages:  First it is ridiculed.  Second it is violently opposed.  Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."